
Data Science Specialization

As part of my graduate training, I completed a 5-course Data Science Specialization in Educational Leadership focused on data visualization, functional programming, and machine learning within a tidyverse framework.


I am an RStudio Certified Instructor in the tidyverse.

Programming Skills

R & R Markdown
Git & Github


I am a strong advocate for open science and open-source data science software. I particularly enjoy helping others learn data science skills, and I value kindness and inclusivity above all else in my teaching.

More info

See full CV at for more complete list of positions and peer-reviewed publications.


Created with pagedown.
Source code on GitHub.
Last updated on 2021-08-09.

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Brendan Cullen

I am a NSF Graduate Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon and a Data Science Educator at RStudio, PBC. My research takes a translational (neuro)science approach toward predictive modeling of health behaviors. I teach R and R Markdown to empower others to conduct rigorous and reproducible data science.



MS, Psychology

University of Oregon Eugene, OR

BA, Neuroscience

Middlebury College Middlebury, VT

Selected Positions


Data Science Educator

RStudio, PBC Remote
  • Developed interactive educational materials related to using R for data science.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

Social and Affective Neuroscience Lab University of Oregon
  • Co-designed interventions for large-scaled study comparing behavioral response and cognitive reappraisal interventions for devaluing unhealthy food.
  • Created and maintained automated workflow for daily backup of fMRI data via a high performance computing cluster.

Lab Instructor

PSY 611: Data Analysis I, PSY 612: Data Analysis II,
PSY 302: Statistical Methods in Psychology
University of Oregon
  • Designed and taught lab sections for undergraduate and graduate-level statistics classes in R and jamovi (see materials here).

Research Assistant

Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Lab &
Embodied Neuroscience Lab
Brown University
  • Led independent research projects exploring outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for depression.
  • Designed custom software in MATLAB to implement novel EEG/EMG paradigm for measuring neural correlates of tactile acuity and precision grip strength.

Selected Workshops Taught


UO Psych R Bootcamp

Department of Psychology University of Oregon
  • 3-day bootcamp covering basics of R, R Markdown and transforming and visualizing data with the tidyverse.

Using R more “wisely”: Column-wise & row-wise operations with dplyr

R Ladies Algiers Remote
  • Workshop for R-Ladies Algiers on column-wise and row-wise operations with dplyr for more efficient data wrangling and summarizing.

Selected Service



Cascadia R Conf 2020 Eugene, OR
  • Updated website, designed new hex sticker, secured additional sponsors