
University Courses

Undergraduate statistics In spring 2020, I taught online lab sections for PSY302: Statistical Methods in Psychology , an introductory undergraduate statistics course at the University of Oregon (~200 students total) led by Dr. Sara Weston . See below for a couple selected examples of lab sections that I taught using the open-source statistical software jamovi . One-sample t-tests Download accompanying lab handout here . Two-sample t-tests Download accompanying lab handout here .


Using R more “wisely”: Column-wise & row-wise operations with dplyr 🔗 brendanhcullen/wisely Workshop for R-Ladies Algiers on column-wise and row-wise operations with dplyr for more efficient data wrangling, summarizing and modeling. Lesser-known tips & tricks in R Markdown brendanhcullen/rmd-tips A collection of “lesser known” tips and tricks in R Markdown, prepared for the Portland R User Group . RStudio Cloud project available here . UO Psych R Bootcamp 2020 🔗 uopsych-r-bootcamp-2020.